How to Ask for Referrals and Get More Real Estate Clients in 2018

Successful Real Estate Agent How to Ask for Referrals and Get More Real Estate Clients in 2018

Referrals are one of the top ways to grow your Real Estate Business. You already know that.

What you may not have realized is that you can exponentially increase the number of referrals you get, dramatically increasing your buyer and seller list, by doing one simple thing — learning how to ask for referrals.

You see, for whatever reason, many small business people don’t bother with referrals. Maybe they just assume their clients will pass along good word-of-mouth about them.

Maybe they find asking for referrals uncomfortable. They hope to get referrals, of course, but they don’t overtly do anything about it. So when a job is done, they just walk away, leaving half their dinner on the plate.

On the other side of the table, the client has his or her own concerns — and none of them have anything to do with helping to grow your business and get you more clients. But assuming that you’ve done good work and the client is satisfied with your performance, it’s not that they don’t want to help you out; it’s that it never enters their minds… unless you ask them.

So do you want to get more clients?

Then set aside your squeamishness and force yourself to get in the habit of asking for a referral from every satisfied customer.

Get Over Your Fear of Asking

Remember that most people like to help other people (if there is no negative cost to them).
Remind yourself that the worst that can happen is that the client says, “No”. That’s not too terrible, is it?

Make asking for a referral part of your marketing strategy or routine. As Real Estate Agents, we all have a timeline and process. When we approaching the close of escrow schedule a final meeting with the client. This is a perfect time to ask for a referral and an online review of your services.

Use a Script to Ask for a Referral

At least until asking for a referral has become a habit for you and you are comfortable with asking.

Remember, you’re not making an Oscar acceptance speech here.

When you ask for a referral, be sincere and direct. Say something such as,

“I’m really glad that you’re pleased with my work. I’d really appreciate it if you’d pass my name along to anyone else you know who could benefit from my services. Who do you know that is thinking about buying or selling right now?”

Pause here and see what they say. Some people will offer some names. Some will say, “Yes, maybe,” and not offer any further information. Some will say, “No.” At which point you will respond with,

“Thank you for taking the time to think about it. I want to ask you a favor. May I leave five or six business cards were here with you?  Can I count you to hand my business card to anyone that mentions they are interested in buying or selling?”

People don’t like to let other people down. This is why you have to make sure you use the phrase, “Can I count on you?” as it places you in a position of authority. If they do offer names, take the names down and ask the person if they mind if you contact the people directly or if they would prefer to pass your information along to them yourself. If they don’t offer names, just as in the previous ask for a referral script, ask if you can leave some additional business cards with them that they can pass them along.

Tips for Asking for Referrals

Referrals should always be asked for face-to-face. It’s not only more respectful of your clients but more successful. People will always be more likely to do something for someone else if the person is standing right in front of them. (It is acceptable to ask for referrals by email or phone if you work under conditions where face-to-face meetings are not usual or very difficult. For instance, a website designer may create a website for a client on the other side of the country.)

Never ask for a referral when presenting a bill.

The time that you’re asking for referrals is also an excellent time to ask a client for a testimonial, a short written endorsement of your company and/or your work that you can use on your website if you have one and in your other marketing materials such as brochures. (Don’t expect anyone to write a testimonial for you on the spot; either leave them a printed card or form that they can use or ask them to email it to you.)

The More You Ask for Referrals the More You’ll Get

Don’t let your own shyness or fear get in the way of building your business. Referrals will get you more clients. And the more referrals you ask for, the more referrals you’ll get — just because the customer knows that you want some. It’s a small effort for a great reward.

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