7 Marketing Blunders that Agents Make when chasing social media trends

Real Estate Heaven REH 7 Marketing Blunders that Agents Make when chasing social media trends Cover

As a real estate agent, you rely on effective marketing to keep your business thriving. If you’re looking for clients through word of mouth, that’s great! But if you want to get the most out of your time and money, you need to actively market yourself in order to find new clients. That means reaching out to potential buyers and sellers with targeted ads on social media, blogging about what makes your business unique and how you can help them achieve their goals, running local events aimed at attracting new leads… the list goes on. And it doesn’t end there: you should also be networking with other agents in your area who might be able to refer clients who fit your needs. It can seem daunting at times—but it doesn’t have to be! 

So if you want to know more about this, then this blog is for you. 

For today’s blog, exclusive to our Real Estate Heaven members, we will be talking about the seven marketing blunders that agents make when chasing social media trends.


Real Estate Heaven REH 7 Marketing Blunders that Agents Make when chasing social media trends CarpenterIt’s possible to make a career mistake when it comes to marketing yourself. Although mistakes happen, and one won’t derail your career, you can save yourself a lot of trouble by avoiding common marketing pitfalls. If you’re a seasoned veteran or just beginning your career, it’s likely that you’ve fallen victim to some of these mistakes at some point. Here are seven marketing mistakes real estate agents make and how you can avoid them.

The first one is not having a business brand. Your brand is your identity, and it’s what people will see when they look at your company or product. It’s what you want them to know about your company and what you want them to feel when they interact with your brand. Your branding guide will include a logo, color scheme and fonts, as well as verbiage and tone that you can use in all of your materials. The logo is the most important aspect of any brand identity. It’s what people see when they look at your products or services. A strong logo will help you stand out from competitors who may have similar products or services. You want to make sure that it’s unique enough that no one else has one like it! For example: if you are selling coffee beans, but only using white text on a blue background with a coffee cup on top of it… that would not be very effective for branding! While it does make for a pretty picture, people would probably be confused if they saw this logo again elsewhere (unless it was meant as an homage to Starbucks).

It is also good practice to use your own name as part of your logo—not only does this show that you care about being associated with yourself (and not just “any old company”), but also helps set up expectations when potential customers are looking at the image. If you want to integrate your marketing with your product development, it’s important to start with a solid foundation. Once you’ve established this, you can apply it to everything your marketing touches, including digital and print materials. If you’re a real estate agent, it’s important to know the difference between branding and style. Branding is what the public sees; this can be a name, logo, or color scheme. Style is how things look. In other words, you can have the same brand name but it will look very different depending on your style choices.

You’ve probably heard of the saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The same principle applies to branding and style: if you’ve got an established brand that works for your business and clients, don’t change it just for the sake of changing it! But what if you’re starting a new career as an agent? Do all of those rules apply? Not necessarily—especially when you’re just getting started in your new career! You need to find out what kind of branding and style will work best for YOU as well as your clients, so take some time to figure out what kind of logo/name would be best for both you and your clients! Building a brand is like building a house.


You start by framing the foundation, then you add the walls, windows, and doors. Then you paint them all white and attach your address to the front of it. But what happens if your house doesn’t look like your neighbors’ houses? Or what if one of those neighbors has an awesome backyard that looks like a jungle? There’s nothing wrong with having a unique style when it comes to your home or business—but if you want to attract clients who are looking for something specific, you need to make sure that your brand reflects their interests and needs. That means making sure that when potential clients walk into your home or office, they feel the vibe of comfort and ease that they’re looking for. By making sure your strengths are clear in branding, you’ll attract the clients you hope to earn from!

The next one is that you may be thinking the print is dead. You might think paperless is the most modern way to advertise your business, but that’s not always the best policy. With so many social media and digital advertising options to choose from, you may decide to go completely paperless with your business. But that isn’t always the best policy. Print advertisements, including printed brochures of a home’s specs and postcards for cold calls to potential customers, still carry a lot of weight. For example, if you’re looking for a new home in the area and want to make sure you get the attention of buyers who are interested in buying that particular property, having a printed brochure on hand can really help you out.

And if someone does happen to come across it during their search for their dream home, it could be enough for them to take action without ever leaving their inbox (or website). Baby boomers are one of the largest customer bases in the housing market right now. They’re looking to downsize from their family homes to smaller condos, so tried-and-true marketing practices, such as leaving a business card or sending a note, are still effective ways of reaching them. And with that in mind, you know that there’s no need to reinvent the wheel by creating new and exciting marketing strategies just for this group of buyers. Instead, use tried-and-true methods that have proven successful in reaching all types of buyers over time—and you’ll be well on your way to growing your business! So don’t give up on print just yet!


Real Estate Heaven REH 7 Marketing Blunders that Agents Make when chasing social media trends Cover FemaleAnother one is that you may be chasing social media trends. Social media is a great way to find leads for prospective buyers and sellers. However, you should be careful when using social media as a source of leads because it can be difficult to tell if someone on social media is serious about buying or selling a home. It’s important to remember that social media is not the only place to find leads for prospective buyers and sellers. While you may find good leads for prospective buyers and sellers on social media, use caution before devoting too much of your time and resources to the latest trends.

While platforms such as TikTok may be growing exponentially, you may not connect with serious prospects because it tends to attract younger users. The best way to find serious prospects is to look for people who are actively looking for properties in your area, and then follow up with them. If you do this, you’ll likely find that more than half of all potential buyers were actually serious about buying or selling their homes.

If you are interested in connecting with business owners who are more experienced than you, then consider using more traditional methods such as email or phone calls. The thing is, you can’t just do something and hope it works. You need to be intentional about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. If you’re just posting random videos on social media, then your brand isn’t going to be recognizable. If your posts are too long or too short or if they don’t have enough personality or if they aren’t funny then people aren’t going to stick around and see what else you have to offer. The goal is to create content that resonates with your audience and helps them see themselves in the brand.

This means that if you want people to remember who you are and what you stand for, then you need to make sure that every piece of content (and every communication) reflects those values as well. When you’re in the real estate business, it’s easy to get caught up in all that shiny new content. Which is great! But make sure you’re keeping track of how much time, effort, and energy your posts are actually taking up. It’s easy to get sucked into the “look at me” mentality of your followers. But if you want to build a successful career as an agent, being present online should be a small part of that overall approach.


There are three main ways to measure success in real estate: views, engagement, and leads. Views are what they sound like—the number of times someone looks at something on your website or social media page. Engagement is when someone interacts with an article or post on your site (commenting, sharing, liking). Leads are people who contact you about buying or selling a house. So how do you balance out all these things? That’s where it gets tricky! Sometimes less is more—so don’t post every day if that isn’t what works best for YOU (or if nothing else is working!).

The fourth one is that you may not be using video effectively. Social media and digital marketing are two of the most important things you can do for your business. But they aren’t the only things you should be doing. While social media and digital marketing shouldn’t be your only marketing resources, they are still important to include in your arsenal. Every social media post you share should have a photo or video accompanying it — not only to get a boost from the platform’s algorithm but to attract more attention from viewers than a text-only post would.

While social media is designed to help you connect with people and share information, it’s not intended to be a replacement for traditional forms of marketing. Instead of posting text-only content, try uploading videos with captions or written explanations—this will help you get more attention to your posts. You can also use social media to promote other forms of content like blog posts or videos that you’ve created. This approach helps build awareness about your business and products without having to worry about someone else stealing your ideas! Video tours are a particularly effective way to pique the interest of prospective clients.


Real Estate Heaven REH 7 Marketing Blunders that Agents Make when chasing social media trends DistressBuyers will be more likely to request information and sellers will be impressed by the quality of your listings. High-quality photos can also be used to make your print materials stand out to prospective buyers. Buyers have been known to actually ask for a tour of a home before making an offer on it. If you have a video tour of your home in place, you can save yourself from having to provide this every time someone inquires about it. If you’re selling a home, having videos online will also help potential buyers get acquainted with the space they’re potentially purchasing before they decide whether or not they want to visit it in person. This helps with decision-making and reduces stress while also increasing their comfort level with the space they may be buying!

Another marketing blunder that you might make when chasing social media trends is using misleading copy. You don’t have to be a salesperson to know that trust is an important part of the buyer-seller relationship. When you’re trying to convince someone to buy from you, it’s important that they trust your product or service, because if they don’t, they might reject it outright. But how do you build trust with your prospective clients?

The answer is honesty and authenticity. Honesty means being upfront about the qualities of your business, which will go a long way toward building trust and loyalty with prospective clients. And authenticity means being yourself! If you’re not authentic in your marketing materials (or even just in person), people won’t know whether or not they can trust what they see as advertised. It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that you need to sell your home with a certain kind of property. But there is more to it than just listing the house you want to sell.


Misleading copy is so common that most prospective clients know to avoid listings with words such as “cozy” and “quirky.” By using misleading words and phrases, you’re more likely to raise red flags with potential buyers and sellers than you are to secure them as your clients. So how can you avoid this? Here are a few tips:

-Don’t use buzzwords like “quaint,” “intimate,” or “charming.” These terms can be used in many different ways, which can make it difficult for people who are trying to decide between two similar properties. Your goal should be to describe your property so that it’s clear what features make it unique and desirable.

-Always use precise details about your home’s layout, features, and location—this will help potential buyers feel confident about making an offer on your property before they even meet you!

Don’t forget to include a call to action in all of your copies. Each social media post, listing, or ad has the desired outcome, and you should encourage viewers to take it. CTAs could include phrases such as “Call now to schedule a tour” or “Message me for more information.”


Real Estate Heaven REH 7 Marketing Blunders that Agents Make when chasing social media trends FailNot working with professionals could be another marketing blunder. Now that smartphones are equipped with high-quality cameras and many websites offer free templates to create graphics, it is tempting to skip hiring designers and photographers, saving money by using these options to create ads and listings. The problem with this strategy is that you may end up with a design that looks great on your phone but completely misses the mark when viewed on a computer screen or printed out. If you think about it, this makes no sense: if your ad is supposed to be for sale, why wouldn’t you want people to see it on a platform where they can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to buy?

And what about photos? They’re important too! You can’t just slap together some stock images from Google Images and call it good—because then people will think your ad is generic and boring (and then maybe not even click through). If you want people to take notice of your listing, it needs a professional photo treatment that also conveys all of its features in an easy-to-read way. When it comes to graphic design and photography, there’s no substitute for the real thing. You may have a great idea of what you want from your company’s logo and website design, but if you don’t have a professional team working with you to bring it all together, you’re going to end up with something that falls flat on its face.

This is why we always recommend hiring a professional graphic designer and photographer who can work with you in person or over the phone to make sure that your needs are met and your expectations are met. A well-designed photo or video can elevate the quality of your brand, but it’s the person behind the camera who makes it work. A designer or photographer has the eye and skill to elevate your marketing materials in a way no fancy camera or software can without their expertise. And when you build a long-term relationship with them, they’ll know your style and brand, saving you the time of having to explain it over and over again. It’s hard to go wrong when you hire someone who knows what they’re doing—and when you get someone who knows your business and understands your culture and values, chances are they’ll be able to put together an image that will make an impact on your audience.

The last one is that you may not be using trackable links and phone numbers. By using individual — and trackable — links and phone numbers on your marketing materials, you can find out how people are finding your services and listings. With this extra layer of information and research, you will know which of your marketing materials are doing the best to garner more business. You can also use individual links to create a one-on-one relationship with potential clients. For example, if you’re looking to book a hair appointment for your stylist, you could ask them to share their experience with the salon on social media.

Real Estate Heaven REH 7 Marketing Blunders that Agents Make when chasing social media trends GossipThis gives them a personal connection to your business while also increasing their reach by sharing directly from their feed. Using phone numbers is another great way to connect with clients who may be looking for specific services or products related to what you offer. For instance, if you sell candles, but want to rent out some space for events in the store itself—you could include a custom number for those interested in renting out space for events at that location so that they can call in directly if they’d like additional details about how long they’d need or other questions about scheduling an event there before making any final decision about whether or not it works well for them.

When it comes to marketing, getting the most from every dollar is important. There are many factors that affect the performance of your marketing efforts, but there are also some things you can control. One of those is how much time you spend on each campaign. To determine whether or not a campaign will be profitable for your company, you need to know how much time each campaign is taking up in your marketing budget. You can use this information to prioritize which campaigns will get more attention and money from your employees and customers. Once you have this information, you can put more of your marketing budget and effort toward the methods that have the highest performance. This will give you the best return on your investment.


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